Richmond Rehab

Knee Replacements

Knee Replacements

Knee replacements is a common orthopaedic procedure in Australian hospitals. In Australia, 62,800 knee replacements were performed in 2020-21, compared to 38,800 hip replacements

Shoulder Dislocations & Their Management

Shoulder Dislocations & Their Management

Shoulder Dislocations Are A Common Sporting Injury But What Is It Exactly & How Does A Surgical Repair Compare With Conservative Treatment?

Ankle Sprains In Sport

Ankle Sprains In Sport

Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries and comprises 15-20% of all sporting injuries. Of these, most are lateral ankle sprains or inversion sprains. This is when the foot rolls on to the outside surface, resulting in damage to the supporting ligaments, tendons & bone.
This blog helps to demystify ankle sprains & what to expect to get back to your best.

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and Myotherapy

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and Myotherapy

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders is commonly called ‘TMJ/TMD’, is a group of conditions that cause several complex symptoms, pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement.

Amber Johannesen (Myotherapist) talks us through this interesting condition and how myotherapy techniques can be an important part of its management.

Joint Hypermoblity Syndrome

Joint Hypermoblity Syndrome


As someone with hypermobilty himself, Luke (physio) discusses the spectrum of mobility and what the implications of being too stretchy can mean.

If you’ve always thought of yourself as double jointed or have always strived to achieve the level of mobility that a contortionist posses, this might the article for you!

Patient Profile: Meet Amelia

Patient Profile: Meet Amelia

Pre-surgery, Jesse developed a program to strengthen Amelia’s non-injured leg/ hip which would support her recovery and as instructed by the surgeon, began her post-surgery rehab program two weeks after the operation.

Injuries in Hairdressing

Injuries in Hairdressing

As a result of prolonged and repeated lockdowns, we have realised how important our hairdresser or favourite barber is to our health and wellbeing, but we rarely think about the injury and occupational burnout that is highly prevalent in this occupation.

Acute Wry Neck

Acute Wry Neck

Neck pain is one of the world’s most common musculoskeletal conditions, and any pain in the neck lasting 6 weeks or fewer can be categorized as ‘acute’ neck pain. Around two-thirds of the population will experience neck pain at a given point in their life.

Tension Type Headaches

Tension Type Headaches

A tension headache is generally a diffuse, mild to moderate pain in your head that's often described as feeling like a tight band around your head. A tension headache(tension-type headache) is the most common type of headache, and yet its causes aren't well-understood.

Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headache is a secondary headache, which means that it is caused by another illness or physical issue. In the case of cervicogenic headache, the cause is a disorder of the cervical spine and its component bone, disc and/or soft tissue elements.